domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

this is joey gloor

this is god body

the best jeff seid

the best professional bodybuilder

the best shoulders training

One of the largest muscles of the arm is at your back, triceps brachii occupies over 60% of the volume of our arms and is an extensor muscle that acts on behalf of gravity so its development is very little if compared with the biceps brachii.

Its function is to extend the forearm on the arm and fix the elbow joint of the three heads that comprise it, the more is the lateral surface, which acts to stabilize the elbow innermost heads, the medial and long instead, give the muscle mass and shape, the long head also allows on and extend the shoulder.

Almost never give the importance they deserve the triceps perhaps because they are so visible and striking as the biceps, but his action is just as important and essential for virtually any movement of the arms.

the best training of forearm

subir masa muscularIf you want powerful forearms, with veins and everything is an exercise that seems simple but is the best you can do for your forearms.

People forget this part and do not train them properly but if you do looks plus more women get to see much better. Pay attention to what's coming because it will change your life.

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013


this is body bulding

body bulding extreme

this is good fitnes

body bulding good back

body bulding extreme

body bulding extrem

training biceps


this is godd biceps

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

here you have the winner of the contest of fitnnes bulding 2012

back exercise routine ronnie coleman

Back routines are more strenuous routines with permission legs day. The back is a large muscle group and require a lot of effort to complete mobilization and work your muscles.
In back routines should be used amplitude-oriented exercises, such as chin and milestones but also exercises geared to the density as the paddles.
In one back routine can combine both types of exercises or you can work back twice a week working one day and another day amplitude density, the choice is yours as your target and trainability.
The back is also one of the hardest muscle groups congested by beginners, because it must perform a full range of motion to stretch and contract the muscle properly. Once you can see practice as brutal congestion can get back to work.

Ejercicios Para Abdomen - Rutina Abdominal [Ejercicios Abdominales]

The best routine for abs

If not for the dead, probably never would have started doing sit-ups, because for years the majority of our knowledge about the functioning of our muscles was based on the study of corpses. Looking at the anatomy of the deceased, modern scientists deduced that the function of the abdominal muscles must be to flex the spine, which is exactly what happens when you do a sit or any other movement that requires moving the lower back. As a result, these exercises were popularized as the best option to work precisely this part of .


Fisiculturismo [ Ronnie Coleman ] Budybuilder

Raw Hardcore bodybuilding Motivation (The Gift 2011)

Gym Motivation Montage, ZYZZ


We talked about the motivations of exercising not to leave, but we have to answer a question that might have a very personal response. The reasons are all different, yes ... dare to share yours? Answer what was the motivation to engage in bodybuilding.
Many people may argue that the main motivation is vanity. The perfect body look in the mirror and to the beauty standards of society. Still others may argue that it is all about attention: to have a safe body care will make us more attractive to other boys and girls.
But other things. The bodybuilding gives you discipline. Missing your exercise routine